Your One-Stop-Shop for Comprehensive Wellness

Your online hub for busy people to easily access personalized wellness resources in one simple platform. 

dot. is the missing piece in healthcare

dot. is the ultimate online wellness marketplace, connecting customers to businesses, with the goal of giving everyone balanced well-being. Be part of the first users, give defining feedback, and join the community creating accessible navigation of health & wellness.  Join us in making it easy to find, navigate, and access the best-fit services you need.


Browse a wide range of wellness resources, all in one place. Find, navigate, and access what you need, when you need it.


Get personalized search results that are your best match with advanced filters & AI. 


Read reviews and ratings to find the best fit for your wellness needs.

How it works

1. Feeling stuck, confused, overwhelmed - you've found the right place!

2. Enter your info into the form

3. Get access to the directory

4. Navigate the tabs on the bottom to see resources in each of the 8 aspects of wellness. Use the columns to sort for what you're looking for

5. Choose one to solve your issue via the contact information listed

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What are the 8 Dimensions of Wellness?

There can be wellness in all aspects of our lives. These 8 areas of health are what create a foundation for true well-being, the jumping off point for flourishing and creating a life of fulfillment.


Nurturing your body's well-being through balanced nutrition, regular movement, and sufficient rest, fostering vitality and longevity.


  • Exercise routines
  • Balanced diets
  • Adequate sleep patterns
  • Regular health check-ups


Nurturing a healthy emotional state, fostering self-acceptance, and managing stress to cultivate inner peace and resilience.


  • Stress-management techniques
  • Therapy
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Journaling for emotional expression


Fostering intellectual curiosity and stimulating mental growth, encouraging a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and creative expression.


  • Reading diverse literature 
  • Engaging in intellectual discussions
  • Learning new skills or languages
  • Participating in educational workshops


Cultivating meaningful connections and nurturing a sense of belonging in supportive communities, promoting overall happiness and well-being.


  • Community involvement
  • Healthy communication in relationships
  • Group activities
  • Support networks


Nurturing a sense of inner peace and purpose through spiritual practices, fostering a connection with oneself and the world around you.


  • Meditation and mindfulness practices
  • Religious or spiritual gatherings
  • Volunteer work
  • Personal reflection through nature walks


Fostering a harmonious relationship with your surrounding environment, advocating for sustainability and the preservation of natural resources.


  • Creating a safe and welcoming home environment
  • Recycling practices
  • Sustainable living habits


Nurturing a healthy relationship with money, promoting financial stability, and fostering a sense of security and freedom.


  • Budgeting strategies
  • Investment planning
  • Debt management
  • Building emergency funds for unforeseen circumstances


Cultivating a sense of fulfillment and purpose in one's work, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and promoting professional growth and satisfaction.


  • Career development plans
  • Maintaining healthy work boundaries
  • Seeking mentorship
  • Pursuing opportunities for professional development

Cool things we're doing

Help dot. help you

Be part of the healthcare overhaul by giving your input! Choose one of the following surveys - or both, if you're a business owner!

If you use wellness services

Here's your survey! Feel free to share the survey with your friends and family!


If you're a business owner

Here's your survey! Feel free to share the survey with your network!




survey respondent

"I personally love convenience so this sounds like a great idea ! Also could be a way for smaller businesses to get exposure."

survey respondent

"It will save a lot of time for researching to find out what I need with a few clicks."

survey respondent

"This would be beneficial as not everyone has the time to research wellness resources."

survey respondent

"This would be great. I would definitely use this!"

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